Flutter App Development Bootcamp – Learn in-Demand Mobile App Skills

26 week
20 Lessons
50 Enrolled
(0 Ratings)

Course Overview

Welcome to the best and most industry-oriented hands-on course on Google Flutter and Dart by Freelance Bahawalpur, where you’ll start from scratch and go step by step to become an industry-standard Flutter developer.

This course is our most popular offering, with over 30 students already graduated and working in software companies, particularly in Lahore. Currently, we have more than 20 students enrolled and learning the skills to become successful Flutter developers.

Freelance Bahawalpur comprehensive Flutter course takes you on a step-by-step journey to mastering this powerful mobile app development framework. 

Why Choose This Course?

  • Industry-Oriented Curriculum: We’ve meticulously crafted this course over a year, aligning it with the latest industry standards. Learn Flutter the right way and become a developer employers are looking for.
  • Learn by Doing: Get hands-on experience building beautiful, high-performance apps for Android, iOS, and even the web! Utilize Flutter, Dart, and Firebase to create production-grade mobile solutions.
  • Master Essential Skills: Dive deep into layouts, animations, responsive design, streams, futures, Getx, Provider, Bloc, Firebase, design patterns, and more. Develop apps that meet industry expectations and stand out from the crowd.
  • High Demand, Low Supply: Major companies like BMW, Alibaba, and Google are embracing Flutter. With a skilled developer shortage, this course positions you for success in a booming field.

What Sets Us Apart?

  • Industry-Standard Practices: Learn to avoid common pitfalls that can hinder app performance, collaboration, and user experience. We equip you with the knowledge to build apps that thrive in the real world.
  • Job-Ready Skills: We analyzed over 2,000 Flutter job descriptions to understand the skills employers seek. This course equips you with the exact qualifications you need to land your dream Flutter developer job.
  • Build a Strong Portfolio: Showcase your mastery through the creation of beautiful Flutter apps. This portfolio will be a valuable asset as you embark on your developer journey.

Course Content:

  1. Introduction to Dart Programming:
    • Dart Basics: Learn the fundamentals of Dart programming language, including its history and significance.
    • Dart Installation: Step-by-step guide to setting up Dart and writing your first program.
    • Core Concepts: Master essential concepts such as Dart syntax, variables, strings, numbers, and data types.
    • Advanced Concepts: Dive into more complex topics like operators, lists, sets, maps, control flow statements, loops, and iteration.
    • Functional Programming: Understand the use of functions in Dart.
    • Object-Oriented Programming: Explore classes and inheritance, along with concepts like null safety, enums, and file handling.
    • Asynchronous Programming: Grasp the fundamentals of asynchronous programming in Dart.
  2. Flutter Basics and UI Design:
    • Flutter Installation: Learn how to install Flutter and set up your development environment.
    • UI Design: Create stunning user interfaces using Flutter’s rich set of widgets.
  3. Advanced Flutter Development:
    • API Integration: Learn to integrate APIs into your Flutter apps for enhanced functionality.
    • Google Map API Integration: Implement Google Maps in your Flutter applications.
    • State Management: Master state management techniques using GetX, Provider, and Bloc.
    • Firebase Integration: Learn to incorporate Firebase for backend services.
  4. Publishing Your App:
    • Play Store and App Store: Get step-by-step instructions on how to publish your Flutter app on Google Play Store and Apple App Store.
  5. Additional Skills:
    • GitHub: Learn version control with GitHub.
    • Portfolio Development: Create a professional portfolio to showcase your projects.
    • Upwork Training: Get insights on how to start and succeed as a freelancer on Upwork.
    • LinkedIn Training: Understand how to leverage LinkedIn for job hunting and networking.

Why Enroll in This Course?

  • Expert Instruction: Learn from Muhammad Arslan, an experienced developer with a passion for teaching.
  • Practical Experience: Gain hands-on experience with real-world projects.
  • Career Support: Receive guidance on building a professional portfolio, freelancing, and job placement.

Additional Highlights:

  • Covering all the fundamental concepts for Flutter development, this is the most comprehensive production-grade Flutter course available online.
  • Learn to use Flutter, Dart, and Firebase to build beautiful, high-performance production-grade apps for Android, iOS, and the web.
  • By the end of this course, you will master topics like layouts, animations, responsive handling, streams, future, Riverpod, Firebase, design patterns, and much more to develop apps that meet industry standards and get Google Flutter developer jobs.
  • Major companies such as BMW, Alibaba, eBay, Tencent, Toyota, Google, and many more are using Flutter for developing their apps.
  • The demand for skilled Flutter developers is high, creating a perfect opportunity for you to learn this trending technology.
  • Having compiled over 2000 Flutter job descriptions, we are fully aware of the qualifications needed to become a skilled and well-paid Google Flutter developer.


Join us at Freelance Bahawalpur and take the first step towards becoming a successful Flutter mobile app developer. Enroll today and start your journey to mastering mobile app development!


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